Thursday, July 31, 2008.
didn't go to school today~*COUGH COUGH COUGH!*
just typed that and started coughing like crazy.
didn't go to school today.
i am like that..
when my family found out that i was sick,
(how they found out, my grandma asked me to moved over there and she just grabbed my wrist and she was like, "why are you so hot?!" and yeah.)
so in the morning i woke up, remembering that my maid was sleeping at the bottom and not to step on her.
and shut my alarm up.
and went to on the heater,
and realised i still had a fever.
went back to my room,
closed the door,
heard ahma phone alarm ring,
she didn't shut it,
so went out, and found out that her phone was in the dining table,
switched it off,
and went inside her room.
she went, "why do you have my phone?"
so told her,
then i said "i am not going to school today, i still got fever."
and she was ok~
so went back to sleep in my AIRCON room,
and the moment i hit the pillow again.
i fell asleep.
i was super tired just by all that walking.
woke up in the morning, perspiring,
turn around to look at my maid cleaning the windows,
and i was "good morning."
the moment i said that,
it rang in my head,
the sun was up, rised and shine.
suddenly it hit me!
and i shouted from my bed, "I AM NOT IN SCHOOL!?!"
trust me, i didn't know i love school better then my home.
and when i shouted that, my maid stared at me shocked,
and i run out,
my hair messy, looking like a mad woman.
and my mom came out.
and i told her,
"I wanna go to school!"
and my mom was like, "why?"
(it was only 9.40am)
and i took out my timetable, and realized that i had.
two periods of maths, two periods of PHYSICS, and two periods of bio!
the most important topics!
and if i don get the hang of what Mr. Fen is saying, I AM DEAD.
and also,
and so yeah,
and my mom called my dad,
"hey? can you fetch your siao zha bao daughter to school? she wanna go to school cause she don wanna miss her physics."
so i asked my dad to pick me up at 11,
and ok ok.
so i sat down,
and started coughing like crazy.
and my grandma said not to go, cause i have yet to fully recover, i have been straining myself without telling anybody that i was sick.
and so, in the end, i didn't go to school.
i ended up roaming around the house for an hour,
then settled down on ahma's com,
so blah blah blah.
and oh,
i just realized something too.
i have been sick with fever for 6 days already,
ah wells~
marianne calls it terminal fever,
but nah, mine is not that serious.
choy choy!
kk bye ppl~
i wished i had gone to school and yet i don.
the sky is so blue today.
{ 2:58 PM }
Wednesday, July 30, 2008.
brrrrrr. it is coldddd.brrrrr...
*shiver, tremble, shiver.*
it is freezing...
lols, today was ok..
(i forgot what i was about to type...)
oh, remembered!
er... damn, was side tracked again.
lols, sorry, ok ok.
ah yes.
for chinese we had to stand outside again under the hot blazing sun!
stupid zheng lao shiii...
i had a slight fever,
till after recess,
it got worse.
well, ate bread talk nacho cheese!
it was AWESOME!!
made me full,
so came home, and saw a maid, opening my door,
and i was, 'hello auntie..?'
and my grandma appeared behind her laughing,
'call her anka.' she says.
and the moment i stepped into my room,
it was super neat,
well only my bed, didn't packed it this morning.
so i sat down and thought.
if she is gonna live with us,
(reason why she is here, she was actually hired for my great-grandmother and my grandfather, to clean up the house, but something happened, and my great-grandma don wan her anymore so she will be living with us for the next EIGHT MONTHS.)
then, i cannot,
1) sleep alone anymore,
2) have to change into my clothes in the toilet.
3) she will find out about my fever
things i am happy.
7) CURRY!!!!
woot! anyways, gonna do all the things i need to do on the com,
and debate from both points of view whether i should go to school tml.
and yeah!
the battle of mind BEGINS!
{ 3:59 PM }
Tuesday, July 29, 2008.
my head is pounding.i can't find the damn thermometer.
i am sick, with a damn dying cough and a bloody fever.
i have been having a fever for the past two days, but heck.
and the moment i came home, i collapsed on my bed,
my grandma didn't even look at me,
in fact nobodydid.
heck, screw them.
now she is talking to mom.
just had dinner,
porridge, just three scoops into a small bowl, using the normal spoon.
and while eating, i nearly puked.
and yay~
nobody noticed anything.
i dunno whether i should be happy or sad.
but i am gonna take panadol, and go sleep now.
i don wanna stay at home, miserable and sick.
whats the damn point to stay at home when my grandma don't give a damn shit?
yeah right, only when i am sick, give all those
'awww. amanda.' and shit.
fuck yourself and die.
don give me all those sick when you just want me to hurry up and be cured,
staring at the screen is making my head pound even more.
ok then.
shall go and take and sleep now.
my throat is killing me.
and oh people, i am coming to school tml, that is if i can wake up and don faint.
but like i said, no hell way am i gonna stay at home.
byes people, pray for my miraculous recovery.
i am married to my junior, who is a girl, and she is my husband.
{ 8:33 PM }
Saturday, July 26, 2008.
last night was really fun.went to BBQ, and dropped many things.
francine kept shouting at me. sobbbs! T^T
didn't like her shouting though, but well was in the wrong.
what to do.
anyways~ after BBQ brought Kai and Yue up!
oliver reaction was so funny!!
everybody was like
hahah! it was really funny! she kept screaming!
even Rachel was freaked out!!!
so play play play.
then everybody went down to the basement, screaming and shouting so loudly that we could hear them at the roof top!
kept taking pictures of kai, he is easy to take with.
better then yue, in my opinion.
well, then went down to the basement.
but it was really too advanced! *shakes head*
this is how rich people play majong!
just sit down there and play! without needing to stack everything up, mix and shuffle the cards.
but it was so cool!!!
everybody was omg-ing over that!!!
then while playing, the others was playing fooseball, and angeline and jeannel was taking tons and tons of pictures of kai and yue.
especially angeline.
x.x she is kinda scary, if you just move the chair, she will scream at you.
anyways, after that went to cut cake.
never sing, so just cut cut cut.
everybody ate. and well, talk talk and eat.
pity.. natalie and sherly didn't get a taste of it.
but they will be still paying for it.
well, then after eating cake, went back to play.
played twister!!
it was awesome!
first time!
and i always get the part when i must only balanced with my right arm.
cause the other is in front of me or something like that.
but poor francine, (LOLS) always getting the worse!
but it was fun!
then yun lu went home, slowly slowly everybody went home.
down to me, marianne, jeannel, and coach, and of course francine. (it is her house.)
so we played twister!
it looked so wrong!
francine was er... on top of me, and coach was on top of jeannel,
gave up, since my right arm cannot take it any longer!
left with jean, francine and coach.
the funny part was that,
COACH, was LITERALLY on TOP of jeannel!
it was omg!!
HAHAHAHHA!! took pictures of it.
with marianne camera, must remember to ask it to send it to me.
it was fun!
then after that, went home.
marianne's dad fetched me since mom had a headache.
came home, bath and read for awhile.
went to sleep at 1am.
woke up at...
8 plus with all the screaming to see my sister changing and wearing funny clothes.
went back to sleep till 9 plus..
mom was screaming at me to wake up.
so woke up, bath bath,
dazed for a while.
well, my legs are aching, the walls are not staying in place, and headache.
but still going for tuition.
must not miss today!
today will be fun.
^0^ anyways, me gonna have lunch now.
pray i don faint!
together forever.
{ 12:21 PM }
Thursday, July 24, 2008.

I worked like a slave today.
ok.. today was fun, especially PE!
xDD didn't play though, but the talking was good, learn a lot of things!
anyways, skip skip skip.
well, came home around...
then the people were doing mom's room, so went to pack mine,
pack pack pack,
5 hours straight,
vacuum, mop, clear, pack, throw, burn, candle,
lols! yupp!
and i am SOO HAPPY!
though my clothes one, look kinda scary..
it is so empty!
lols! and my room is so!!!
==, stupid sister.
all my stuff is neat already, she has yet to pack.
cause.. she is not home yet.
oh the terror,
but one good thing is that i didn't take forever to clear everything and pack!
cause, i had so limited space in my room, mom's bed was inside.
i had to do everything one by one,
when i normally just bomb everything out and do them all in one shot.
but heyy!! i did it in a short time!
and much neater too!
i will normally take two days, and it will be very very MESSY.
like a tornado just hit my room.
hahahah! so you all should never see me really pack.
cause when i do, i will THROW everything away and PACK everything and CLEAN everything.
gonna reward myself with a milk tea!
oh oh!
and i took 6 mins to bath!
wash hair and everything!
lols, gonna eat dinner and watch show now.
LOLS, my sis just ask whether i pack my stuff already!
HAHHAA! now she is questioning nobody how to put her clothes!!
ah, i am bleeding.
don't be stupid, use your brain!
{ 8:23 PM }
Wednesday, July 23, 2008.
{ 8:59 PM }
WOOT, using com during school time.
lols, i know it is bad, but we have already done our project for SS.
so went to do a lot and settle a lot of stuff.
and marianne tan, you should be ultra happy.
5 people are already bidding.
and i have to keep track.
fun and yet tiring la.
must remember who bid how much.
blah blah blah.
anyways, the whole entire class is completely not listening to her,
surfing their own net, like i did and am still, and listening to music loudly.
so noisy.
sigh~ after school got to buy stuff blah blah blah.
this keyboard is rather stiff! so annoying.
lols, now she is commenting on our project work
and guess what?
only DASHINI did it!
xDD so mean.
anyways~ shall play...? now.
maybe can read yaoi!
xDD but very slow...
anyways, buh-bye!
shall edit this post when i go home.
oh, and for maths test.
i feel like killing myself,
there, i said it!
RAWRRRR!!! %$%!%%$^$# xDD
money can buy happiness, if you just believe it.
{ 9:15 AM }
Monday, July 21, 2008.

hey people, i am super tired.
so i am gonna make this post super short.
anyways, angela i know that you are super pissed at me.
but you should super break up with your audi bf.
he is super annoying and a bloody jackass and a bastard.
super debra is my super witness.
so anyways, i am not gonna super apologize to him,
but you super yes.
so sorry super.
i am super tired,
and today was super fun.
need to get the pictures from super amanda.
ah, she super posted it on her blog.
my hair is super messy.
and i look super weird.
i am super tired,
went to lunch with debra and angela.
i am super tired,
and there is super shooting training tml,
i am super looking forward to it.
i am super tired,
so i am gonna super sleep now.
warm cosy bed with super blanket.
nights and super sweet dreams people.
overloading of superness.
{ 9:41 PM }
Sunday, July 20, 2008.
I am not using my com.Didn't felt like it, sides, somehow i can really get used to using this keyboard.
it is nice.
anyways, uncle came over with his family,
Alyssa is cute, at least she do not cry much as she used to.
Natalie, is just being the same as per usual.
Rachel played the silent game with her and zachery, and naturally she lost.
and she started crying.
cause the winner will get something from Rachel.
and so forth.
had dinner,
then sat down to play with ku who was carrying alyssa and playing with mom.
then well, was being random, so decided to tell mom i bought the clothes.
and she thought it was those kind of normal casual clothes,
so i told her.
"No mom, it is my type of clothes. you know..?"
and she got it, but then she said again,
"I could have discount."
so explained to her, no matter how many cards she have, it does not work on those shops.
at least I do not think so.
but i am praying that she will pay some parts of it. ><
since, well.
i am saving.
for plenty of things.
and also, i seriously need to study, badly.
and stop sleeping and doing other work in SS class.
Plus, stop trying to kill Miss Lock and hate her so badly it will affect my studies.
No way am i going to allow a teacher like HER to destroy my results.
but i hate to say this,
teachers really does put an image of the subject they are teaching,
i like physics more then bio right now.
and that is bad, very bad.
cause i LOVED bio, and HATED physics like it was the devil.
and now it is vice-versa.
and my sister is in my mom's room, singing some song that goes.
"SIGH.. SIGH..." and something i do not understand.
either ways, i need to desperately brush up on.
and yeah, english maths i am kind of confident.
i don really bother with POA and chinese right now, but those two are major important!
they are combined!
and i love ss and history.
just need to pay attention in class.
haixs, so many things to do, so depressing,
save money and study hard.
yes. must do that!
after all it is a battle of mind and mental will power. :)
when can i fly?
{ 7:24 PM }
Saturday, July 19, 2008.

ughh!!!!!! COUPLES.
saw one couple, couldn't careless, so i just sat there patiently waiting for my train.
and guess what?
they started groping one another, and kissing and planting hickeys on one another.
one word for them,
and they were doing all those stuff in FRONT OF ME.
and my mp3 had no BATT, so i had to listen to them MOAN.
another example.
this morning, after watching e movie,
went to the car park.
and when i turned my head, guess what i saw?
one man making out with a woman.
two words for them.
she was all over him!
"holy shit man, MOM! *points to the car* people making out!" and i walked away,
the guy was staring at me though.
and they stopped, and looked at us go into our car and drive off,
the woman was laughing though,
so when we were driving off, i showed them a gesture, no not the middle index, and it was a 'good' one too.
next, KIDS.
shall talk about the recent one.
was waiting for people to go up the bus, and some BOY, blew at me neck.
naturally i got a shocked and jump slightly,
turning around, i saw three kids looking away,
and so..
when they were rushing to go up the bus,
two of them stood on my right in front of me,
the third one kept pushing me, and i lost my balance, and nearly punched his head to the bus.
well, i missed him by a few though, he was like.
"woah!" and he glared at me,
i just ignored at him and walked up the bus.
sigh, lost my interest all of a sudden, those words keeps ringing in my mind.
nvm~ shall go eat dinner now.
and joey, you should tell your mom about your exhaustion and such, don fall sick. sleep early.
'no matter what i do,
no matter what i say, you are not satisfied,
why can't you just shut up and stop making assumptions and listen to me?
do you really know how i feel?'
lalala, just typed that for fun. xDD
amuse me!!
{ 6:45 PM }
Thursday, July 17, 2008.

hmmm. classical music really helps me calm me down.
well, a little only.
not gonna talk about it, but anyways~
just felt bored so decided to post,
sherly shen called me in total 9 times, and i didn't answer was
1) i was napping
2) too busy
3) if i were to talk to her, most likely i will scream profanities on the phone.
and no, i wasn't angry at her or anything.
just, sigh,
anyways change of topic.
i am gonna be sick, my throat!
better drink plenty of water, if not i am screwed!
and ohhhh!
physics was fun!! and hot.
had to measure and put the rule straight etc etc, so had to switch off ALL the fans, the windows were closed,
and the only place where the fresh air was coming from was,
it was fun, but really maddening, the ruler wouldn't balance!
i wonder how i did for my physics test.
>< i pray that i passed!
and tml, got to go for prize giving,
sigh, have to smile, go on stage shake hand, wear the trophy round the neck, post take picture.
so..... hmmm.
i wonder what place we got in..
dunno. *shrugs*
blah blah blah.
i have nothing else to say.
{ 9:42 PM }
Wednesday, July 16, 2008.

sing my praises people! i found a good way to sleep!
and that is...
to sleep with your tarots!
lols, yeah, two nights ago,
after so and so, and after they said so and so.
i decided to put it beside me and sleep!!
and i had GOOD DREAMS!
misusing the one out when i had a dream about GWYNETH. ==
lols, yeah!!! I HAD ONE VERY NICE DREAM!!!
though the world was all so green and oh so blue and oh so clean and oh so nice!
the skies were awesome!!!
it felt so real!!!
so last night, i slept with it again, and it lured me to sleep.
i had many funny dreams, really odd ones, and once again,
i dreamt about GWYNETH again.
twice already, and they were the same,
she was talking back to us, and she wasn't even sorry at all.
and speak of the devil, the devil shall come.
anyways, i don see debra online!!!
oh.. oh!! i hate people who sleep on the buses..
it was so scary, ugh!
well, i was on the new bus on the way home, and it was really crowded.
then this tall tall guy sat beside me, i sat right at the back at the corner.
and he was sleeping.
so guess what?
lo and behold!
he kept moving, his head,no, his entire half body, was swaying along with the bus.
and he kept leaning on ME.
but the funny thing was, was he that tired that he couldn't feel his entire top half moving left and right?
so i kept moving to the window, but finally my stop came.
i had to wake him up, just to get out.
good thing i wasn't sitting the two sitting one.
i need to save money.
$52.80- blood romance, can pay anytime.
$90- haru, i think can pay anytime.
$11- tigerbarb, by aug!
anyways, i lost my red packet where i kept my money for the above and the receipt.
and i had a dream about it last night, and that was how i realized it was missing, this morning.
but i felt calm!
just didn't like the idea of losing the receipt though,
so hunt hunt hunt, cannot find, my mom and grandma didn't take it.
but there was a little voice saying,
'check your bag amanda, it could have been misplaced.'
since morning,
and i came home from school, hunt for a while again.
and guess what?
i found it,
in my BAG.
though when i took out my two notebook, two things fell out,
and it was my two red packet!!!
ok~ shall not talk anymore, long long post as per usual!
and debra, i am online, but i don see u online! D:
the cloud and the moon, and the moon and the cloud.
{ 8:01 PM }
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.

man.. so many sad things have been happening!
sobbbs! D:
i was on a high earlier, but after reading everything, i felt like crying.
oliver, dezi and jeannal cannot come for training anymore.
will miss them!
stupid seniors, especially oliver and dezi.
rachel will be like... so lonely?
ok stop,
he broke up!! with his bf!! wahhh!!!
and he is so heartbroken!!
then, i read the book finish today.
and that stupid book made me cry four times.
sobs, it is so nice and sad!!
they died!
two of them died!!
ok, shall not be spoiler, debra gonna read it.
well, i had a fever during class.
and when i touched dashini she was like,
'omg! your hand is damn hot!!!'
and i was like, 'oh?'
xDD bit dizzy during recess.
haixs, forgot to take panadol before leaving house.
shall not say anything else,
i feel so saddddd. D:
i cried myself to sleep last night.
{ 7:22 PM }
Thursday, July 10, 2008.
marianne, now i know how you felt.when you were burnt or scalded.
you know that i love hot chocolate right?
well, i finally got to try it, so i made it. with hot boiling water at the temperature of 80 degrees or whatever.
then i sat on the sofa, with American next top model, and asked my dear older sister to pass me a pillow.
so, the rest was a blur.
she threw me the pillow, making me spilled half the cup of hot chocolate onto myself.
i didn't know that i had spilled onto myself until i felt pain.
and my reaction was, 'ah! fuck fuck!'and trying to pull my t-shirt away from sticking onto my chest, which was unsuccessful.
and instead of screaming, i was whispering loudly.
and my sister reaction was.
'oh my god, i am sorry, i didn't mean to.' in a monotone voice, she grab the table clothe threw it at me, and went back to her seat.
'i am so sorry.'
she didn't even help me hold the cup but just removed the pillow.
i didn't cry, but my shirt was sticking onto my whole chest and my left arm.
it was hot and painful,
so i went to my room, grab a clean shirt, went to the toilet, took off my top.
and my whole left side was fuming red.
it was burning.
and it still burns.
took tissue cleaned it, made it wet and tried damping onto my chest.
but well, every time i touched it, it stings.
and well, now i still have yet to drink my hot choco,
well, and my sis just came in.
and said.
'so how was the hot chocolate? nice? and so sorry, how is your breast doing?'
and she laughs, i say nothing but carry on typing this post.
completely fine my sister, i am really fine.
so fine like grains of rice.
i dunno how i came up with that, but it still hurts.
haixs, so much for..
hmmm? i wonder.
anyways, i am gonna try to finish my hot chocolate now.
^^ nights and sweet hot chocolate dreams.
i tasted hot chocolate with my breast,
for preparation for my children, instead of milk.
it is hot chocolate.
{ 10:54 PM }

good morning!!!
lols, it is currently 5.20!
anyways, talk about yesterday.
went to THE cathy, black alice there.
held no interest to the shop, other then the magazines they had there!
the magazines are awesome!
though anybody can purchase it at kinokuya, but they had pictures of some really NICE goth!
and i was not kyaa-ing marianne, i was omg-ing, there is a great difference!
and also went for lunch, saved money and did not buy much, good thing i was not hungry.
went home...
oh, the reason why i woke up so early was because i wanted to do my essay.
yes believe or not,
i woke up at 4 am with the help of ben (thankyou), just to do my english.
hahaha, i am finished it at 4.40!!!
took me that long..
anyways, the reason WHY i had to wake up so early cause.
last night, i was talking to 5 people in one shot,
my cousin,
er... the guy who was buying my stuff,
yeah, and also, i was finding for,
the clothes,
how much it cost,
which one i want,
and such.
and also, i was planning,
on how to save money,
how to sell,
what to sell,
i am running out of space,
i don really want some books,
how much money will i get,
and such.
so last night, my mind was jammed with so much things, and i tried to do my english, with my dear friends replying me 5 seconds a time, i gave up.
and i was so dizzy!!!
everything all squished into my brain,
i can't multi-task!!
anyways~ yeah~ thats about there.
and i washed my hair!!!
lols, and last night,
i didn't know i was talking to marianne's bro, markus,
but heyyy!! i did realized that marianne was weird.. for that moment.
since 'she' was LOL-ing too much,
and so... cheery?
yeah, kinda funny,
good thing i didn't say anything embarrassing.
cya in school ppl~
my post is all jumbled up!!! ><""
{ 5:09 AM }
Tuesday, July 8, 2008.
I just realized i can never study for an hour straight without my family bursting down my room door.amazing do you not think so?
'amanda! go keep the clothes!'
'amanda! go keep your shoes!'
'amanda! go fold the clothes!'
'amanda! go wash the dishes!'
'amanda! go clean the area!'
'amanda! go vacuum the floor!'
i am truly flattered, but please, leave me alone so that i can study!
they want me to study, they want me to be clean and tidy, arghhh!!!
anyways, gonna keep this short.
== *yawns* it is late, for me, it is 32 more minutes before the clock strikes 12, and i am no longer Cinderella. (i kid)
fairy-tales, happy endings, blah blah blah.
live with MY KIND, and there will be no happy endings.
nights people!!
i need to do my maths!! and help debra print.
>< yeah~
today, the moon was smiling for us, did you see?
stop running you pathetic fool, wake up and smell the roses, the reality ain't so sweet.
you are running, so wild and fast, i am impressed. but you are running in the wrong direction, make a turn, before you reach the cliff, and plunge for your death and never return.
it is a one way road, and i repeat, you are going the wrong way.
{ 11:25 PM }
Monday, July 7, 2008.

my grandfather is being stalked!!!
well not really stalk stalk, but he just have prank calls.
and he just won't let me talk to them!
and i wanted to get their numbers, post it here, and keep prank calling them.
let them just a taste of their own medicine!
but pity, *sighs* i can't get it..
maybe tml night,
they keep calling him, every night, and sometimes in the middle of the night too!
if it was me, i was send a death threatening message!
or get their address and send them mails!
though very much. i would be sent to jail for that, but still..
it annoys me to the extreme core,
and my stupid cousin, is still not going to school.
== what a runner sia.
i wasn't even like that!
god, and when i smsed her,
'you better answer all my question and don run away from again last time.'
i wanted to add,
'if you do.. i will kill you..'
but i didn't!
then her reply was,
'i got to eat dinner now bye'
and so i sent her,
'== you better be eating your dinner.. i will talk to you later..'
i can do worse, but she is a stupid kid, sad to say.
so i can't really use reverse psychology on her,
it will make the situation more complicated.
so anyways~
wish me luck, no more like wish her luck, cause i will feel like killing her.
slapping and torturing her awake to see the bloody reality.
no longer living in denial,
{ 8:20 PM }
Sunday, July 6, 2008.

Whats wrong with commenting?
I dunno but, i am giving good comments.
and he will ask me how i get it?
and if i say i got it from you, you feel ashamed cause you are still holding to a fraction bit of the past?
hey, be glad ok.
the only good thing i like about that boy is his English.
and i am generous enough that i don't spam profanities on his blog,
'it's an eye for an eye'
i believe in that, but i also believe that
'time heals the deepest wounds'
true, it may heal but scars will remain,
i take mine as an experience, and i am glad it happened.
cause in the near future i will know what to do, maybe, and also think about it.
though very much i would love to tell him, that i truly indeed only admire that one point about him, at least he has one good point.
nobody is perfect, everybody has flaws,
but the thing about me is i hold grudges but it is only for that few points, the rest i couldn't care less.
i see no harm in just dropping by and say hi, though very much i would love to castrate him and make sure he is in living hell.
but there is also a saying,
'what goes up will come down'
in other words, karma.
and so forth, depends on your religion and your way of thinking.
anyways, just felt like posting this.
but just to let you know,
reading his posts makes me feel so inferior, cause of my English.
the gap between our knowledge is entirely huge and different.
everybody has their own way of thinking, i have mine, you have yours.
so let's just keep it at that.
Embrace that goodbye!
Embrace that affection!
I want to bury this entire world with my feelings for you.
I flew so nimbly, so lightly.
I cried so hard, so much.
I just want to see you once again, at our promised land.
{ 11:32 PM }
WHYYYY?!!? WHY!!!!
ok sorry, i bet that whoever is reading this is freaking out right now,
cause i am really FREAKING OUT,
to those people who watch the twilight trailer, i repeat TWILIGHT TRAILER.
and thinks that the EDWARD is SUPER HOT, kindly move your mouse to the top right hand
corner, and click on the red 'X' button.
and i MEAN IT, cause ya not gonna like what ya gonna read.
i supposed you all heard,
curiosity killed the cat
but this, will not just the cat, if you spam my tagbox or send me whatever shit that
i should die because EDWARD in the movie is HOT like the one in the book,
trust me, you will die along with the cat.
so please, i have warned you, if you don like what i say, shut up.
cause we all have different opinions and this is MY opinion.
you have been warned!
OMG... OMG SIA, the movie is TOTALLY WRONG.
Reason 1;
Edward looks... eww?
he looks funny, his hair.. his face..
he is supposed to look hot,
he is supposed to look omg,
he is supposed to have an angelic voice,
he is supposed to have a perfect face, (true nobody does but hello? he is not exactly the shiniest rock in the garden)
he is supposed to be awesome,
he is supposed to be really really good that makes girls go swooning.
and plus.
he was supposed to be RUNNING, not FLYING.
when people or whatever RUN, their FEET TOUCHES THE GROUND, but when they FLY, they are in mid-air or in AIR, so NOTHING is TOUCHING THE GROUND.
get it?
and, it looked like he was FLYING.
like hellooo??
plus, Emment looks so... small...
he don't look big and gruffy, but small and hmmm?
i dunno,
i see no action,
i see no omg,
i see no hot-ness,
i see no awesome-ness,
i see no nice,
i see no crooked smile,
i see no alice and the others,
i see no WOWW,
i see NOTHING!
i am not gonna go into details, with just this trailer i can give you A LOT of REASONS, but no.
and, what's with Edwards and Bella's hair?
Edward's hair look so......
Bella's hair look so... thick and mushy?
plus, bella isn't supposed to look scared, she is CALM, not SCARED.
plus, omg man.
i don think i can read the book without the trailer popping into my head.
(no offense) but somehow, seeing the trailer kinda destroyed my image of Edward.
I repeat, no offense, and i am just stating my own opinion.
so yeah.
either ways, Edward (Robert) looks ok.. but erm...
he is totally different from the book...
you just take the book, pause the show at his face, and read it.
does he have majority of the quantities in the book mentioned?
my answer is no, sadly.
but why the hell is he squatting there like an idiot?
and plus,
he has FANGS when he HUNT, whereas he has nothing there.
but, i am still gonna watch the movie, i wanna see how the rest looks like.
even though i know. but heck.
this is the family photo.
from the left,
Emment, Esme, Rosalie, Edward, Carslie, Alice and Jasper.

Edward and bella.
this is the trailer btw, ignore the black box, i dunno what it is.
{ 9:48 PM }
Friday, July 4, 2008.
GOOD MORNING EVERYBODDDYYYYYY!! :Dlols!call me weird but it is 5AM right now!
woke up at 4.30!
hahahaha! and just to use the com...
wash hair, sit under the fan, and play computer! ><
and of course pack my bag!
last night rained, i dunno what time, but i woke up with the rain splashing on my rain, in my dream which i thought i was drowning!
hahaha, woke up closed the windows and went to sleep!
nice and cooling!
under the warm fuzzy(?) blanket!
the cool wet wind!
the sleepy!
hahaha, so comfortable HORRRR!
i dunno why, but i think i am on a high, with my eyes heavy.
><"" guess kind tired huh, well i dunno, and all i know is i got a DISGUSTING damn dream.
and i thank the lord god for that, i mean it.
since it woke up with just one DISTORTED image.
so ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
and it keeps popping up in my mind.
lucky my alarm rang, at the most crucial moment,
and i am happy that i didn't have to go through that.
thank you lord!!!
thank YOU!!!
and oh, pardon my mistakes and errors and such, my mind is still 'cold' not 'warm' yet. sides,
it IS early in the morning!
in another... 2 more hours,
sobs, TT have to leave soon, meeting the others at yishun at 6.30.
run for seats!!!
must pack bag... everything all done and com shut down by..
34 mins. SOBSSS. not much time left to com,
oh and my detail is the second one, it starts at 10.10-11.35!
{ 5:00 AM }
Wednesday, July 2, 2008.
oh dear god, oh dear god, please many deaths, this year, three people have passed away.
all they are all my grandfather siblings,
about 7 months ago was his brother,
2/6/08 was his sister,
today, 2/7/08 was his only brother.
oh god, please, he can't take it anymore, his siblings! dying all in one year!
he have yet to get over his sister, last month, death!
and now!
his only last brother!
died in a car all ALONE, when i heard about it, i nearly cried.
i really liked him, always joking around, happily, smoking and all.
oh god, oh dear god, please. i beg you.
watch over them and him, i don think he can take it anymore,
he was crying like crazy, for the past two funeral.
and now, he will be seeing his brother off.
he will really break down this time, please please, don let him think.
'they are all dead, so should i. i will be next..'
i dunno what to do, i may have to attend tonight if there will be one, i must, to find what happened.
and to see him and to ask him what happen if possible.
whatever it is, just let me see.
sigh, i pray, i really pray, that nothing happen to her.
please people reading this, pray for me too, that they will be alright.
although it will be hard, to get over three of his dear siblings death in one year.
the first finally is able to sleep peacefully,
the second is finally resting,
and the third, is unknown.
he was found dead, in his car, alone.
oh dear god.. please please.
i don't know what to do now, but all i know is that it is slowly coming back to me.
and i pray, that i will see them off for one last final time, say their wishes and tell him.
please, i have nothing else, other then for everybody to be safe,
and for my dear mother who is overseas who knows nothing of it.
please, keep them all safe.
everything, like a dream, is all slowly coming true.
what next?
{ 9:30 PM }
her name is amanda laura age 15 going to 16, she is a tarot card reader , blessed with family and
I want this
good results,
for my prayers to be heard
friends and family smiling happily forever :)
i've got this
god. :P
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